iLi's site..

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Thank You!!... ~'^_^'~

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Alhamdulillah, I thank to God for His Help and Bless, finally i have my own website. I'm very happy because I had achieved my dream to have my own website. But, seriously I realize that this cannot be done successfully without any helps from all of you.
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish a great thanks to my honourable KOS1110's lecturer, Dr.Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha, for all your concern and effort to teach me and my friends along this semester. I really appreciate it.
Secondly, a great thanks to my beloved Parents who always give me moral support and advice to finish all my assignments and tasks given, and help me in terms of materials.
Furthermore, I also want to thank to our lab assistant for his good cooperation to us especially in technical problems.
Besides that, i also would like to express my gratitude to my seniors and friends, especially to  my beloved classmates (KOS 1110,Section1). For your information, most of materials for this website i get from various types of sources, such as :
6) PDB,VRML's Pictures, Maple,Excel,Word
7) others which help me directly or indirectly.
LASTLY, thank you so much to all of your coorperation for help me to create this interesting website. Only Allah will give you rewards and may He bless us in our precious life and hereafter...
